Tuesday 31 May 2011

Performative Geometrics

Range Plan Look Book pages.

Swing Ticket - to be folded in to a cube.

Final Prototype Garment
My concept for this was to have a multifunctional garment while using the inspiration of performative geometrics. My inspiration comes mainly from nets for shapes which I have used in the pattern for the final production of my garment, I also wanted to use bright colours to reflect geometrics too. The multifunctional element is the pocket in which the dress can be folded into to become a bag.

Monday 16 May 2011

Performative Geometrics

Shape, looked at graphic designers for inspiration aswell as photographers (mainly fashion), 3D design and fashion.

geometric print

shape used to create geometrics, this is what I want to acheive in my own work.

I've been looking at nets in order to see if I can develop a dress pattern from them.


Eeee!!!... Bonjour Paris!

What? French McDonalds...thats crazy...and about the only thing I could afford =]

The Mona Lisa...thats right in the flesh...admittedly behind bullet proof glasss but still =]

I think i just melted.

The view from out train windom...oh the strife we suffered to get home...and the cabin fever!

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Past Creations

Inspiration - 7 deadly sins

Inspiration - The Secret Garden

Inspiration - Sculpture

 Inspiration - 1940s make do and mend.

Just needed an outfit for a wedding =]

Trend Board S/S 12 - Jpeg Generation

This was our groups starting point, taken from WGSN for the trend Jpeg Generation S/S 2012. As a group we then interpreted it in our way. We wanted to do something a little different and rather than keeping the board flat we wanted to add more to it making it a little more interactive with the viewer and more fitting with the trend in the way it was presented rather than just showing the colours and fabrics. 

I was really pleased with the outcome of the board I thought it represented the trend well whilst having our own take on the trend as well. 



from Dolce and Gabbana to The Land of Narnia

I love being inspired by things from my childhood, I have a major obsession with anything that will take me back there so Narnia was perfect inspiration for this project. I wanted to combine the sexiness taken from the brand of Dolce and Gabbana and the fantasy and magic of Narnia.